Terms & Conditions

Please kindly read these terms and conditions before purchasing any of our products. By using our service, you have read and agree to our terms and conditions. But if you do not agree with our terms and conditions, then it is better not to use our service.

By visiting our Facebook page and website or purchasing any product from us, you become a user of our website and engage with our services and agree to our “Terms of Service”. These Terms and Conditions apply to all Facebook Page, Website Users and all Buyers.

1. Product price and product stock

The price of any product and whether the product is available or not depends entirely on the product stock. If any product or service is not available, Appareluxe.store will inform you as soon as possible and suggest a similar or alternative product or refund the advance payment as per the refund policy. For details about our refund policy, please refer to the Refund Policy section.

By visiting our website Appareluxe.store or by making a purchase from the website, you agree that similar or alternative products may be suggested to the customer due to natural or global conditions, incoming stock or sold-out after the order is out of stock. Or the entire order can be cancelled.

The price of any product on our site may change without any notification or message. We make every effort to keep the prices on our site accurate, but prices may change over time. In this case, you will be informed before the order is sent for delivery and you can take or cancel the order if you want. Appareluxe.store reserves the right to discontinue or change or enhance any service, offer, delivery at any time.

2. Products

All our products are available online through Appareluxe.store. Products may be in limited quantities, so returns and exchanges will only be processed in accordance with our Return Policy.

Appareluxe.store makes every effort to accurately display or describe all products on the site in terms of color, size or any other variation on the website. However, due to photography, color calibration or product manufacturing, product color or size may appear slightly different. Therefore, Appareluxe.store cannot guarantee that the actual product will look exactly like the product image shown on the site. If a product does not match the description on the website, you can return the product unused according to our Return and Replacement Policy.

3. Providing accurate billing and account information

Appareluxe.store reserves the right to cancel any order, pre-order you place on Appareluxe.store due to limited product availability. Appareluxe.store will make every effort to contact the customer through the contact number or email address contained in the order information placed on Appareluxe.store for any order cancellation or limited product availability. As a website user or customer you agree to provide us with your complete and accurate account information on every order from us. So that Appareluxe.store can contact you and provide products or services quickly if necessary. Customers cannot register multiple accounts with a phone number or email address or account information. Even if you are able to do so, you cannot take more than one of our offers, discount coupons or random offers and the order submitted may be cancelled.